Thursday, August 30, 2012

Manda: Our Pet Homeless Man

I don't really have a specific story about this guy, but my store has a pet homeless man named Rich. He comes in faithfully every day - sometimes twice a day - and we fix him up with a free coffee. He harmlessly sits down at a table with a bundle of napkins and proceeds to quietly write for a couple of hours before he leaves us to go off and have his homeless adventures.

We refer to his bundle of napkins as his payment for his coffee. Rich leaves them behind every day and there's a couple of baristas who have taken to collecting them. He picks one subject and writes bullet-pointed notes about his thoughts on them. They're exactly what I would imagine a homeless man would think.   Recently, he came up with this conspiracy theory about horror movies. He was convinced that this one classic horror was real and that all of the actors and actresses were involved in the plot.

Man, I love Rich.

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