Thursday, September 27, 2012

Manda: I don't even

So, this just happened to me.

We often have to operate my store with two people on the floor. When we get hit by a huge rush with just two people, things can get pretty difficult. Today, I was on the verge of running out of coffee when someone yelled across the store at me for a rag. I told them I'd be out in just a moment to deal with the mess, which earned an eye roll as per usual, but I regret nothing. I'm sure the next few people who ordered a cup of coffee appreciated the extra moment I took to brew it for them.

I go out to the condiment bar, and a woman and a man are joking around while trying to mop up a huge mess with an entire dispenser's worth of napkins. The woman had managed to spill ALL of our half n half, which had been about 3/4 of the way full at the time. It's a pretty big container.

Politely as I could while rushing, I asked them to let me take care of the mess. When they continued to use napkins, I said something along the lines of "I appreciate the help, but please just let me handle it. I don't want to use this many napkins. Thank you for the help. I appreciate it."

The woman was clearly immediately offended and stood by my side for a moment (making it impossible for me to finish cleaning the mess.) She then responded, "For your information, I was using the napkins because it was going to spill all over the floor."

Woman. I do not give a fuck. I am cleaning up your mess, assuring you that I appreciated your help (despite the fact that I REALLY wish she would have just told me about it and left.) How in the FUCK do you feel justified copping an attitude?

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